
The Oxford Handbook of musical repatriation / Edited by Frank Gunderson, Robert C. Lancefield, Bret Woods

  • Edited by Frank Gunderson, Robert C. Lancefield, Bret Woods

Edité par : Oxford University Press
ISBN : 978-0-19-065980-6
1 vol. (774 p.) ; illustrations, photographies ; 25 cm


The Oxford Handbook of Musical Repatriation is a significant edited volume that critically explores issues surrounding musical repatriation, chiefly of recordings from audiovisual archives. The Handbook provides a dynamic and richly layered collection of stories and critical questions for anyone engaged or interested in repatriation or archival work. Repatriation is often overtly guided by an ethical mandate to "return" something to where it belongs, by such means as working to provide reconnection and Indigenous control and access to cultural materials. Essential as these mandates can be, this remarkable volume reveals dimensions to repatriation beyond those which can be understood as simple acts of "giving back" or returning an archive to its "homeland." Musical repatriation can entail subjective negotiations involving living subjects, intangible elements of cultural heritage, and complex histories, situated in intersecting webs of power relations and manifold other contexts. The forty-eight expert authors of this book's thirty-eight chapters engage with multifaceted aspects of musical repatriation, situating it as a concept encompassing widely ranging modes of cultural work that can be both profoundly interdisciplinary and embedded at the core of ethnographic and historical scholarship. These authors explore a rich variety of these processes' many streams, making the volume a compelling space for critical analysis of musical repatriation and its wider significance. The Handbook presents these chapters in a way that offers numerous emergent perspectives, depending on one's chosen trajectory through the volume. From retracing the paths of archived collections to exploring memory, performance, research goals, institutional power, curation, preservation, pedagogy and method, media and transmission, digital rights and access, policy and privilege, intellectual property, ideology, and the evolving institutional norms that have marked the preservation and ownership of musical archives. The Oxford Handbook of Musical Repatriation addresses these key topics and more in a deep, richly detailed, and diverse exploration.

Contient : "Pathways toward open dialogues about sonic heritage : an introduction to the Oxford Handbook of musical repatriation" / Frank Gunderson and Bret Woods. "Musical traces' retraceable paths : the repatriation of recorded sound" / Robert C. Lancefield. "Reflections on reconnections : when human and achival modes of memory meet" / Daniel B. Reed. "Music archives and repatriation : digital return of Hugh Tracey's "Chemirocha" recordings in Kenya" / Diane Thram. "Rethinking repatriation and curation in Newfoundland : archives, angst, and opportunity" / Beverley Diamond and Janice Esther Tulk. "Repatriating the Alan Lomax Haitian recordings in post-quake Haiti" / Gage Averill. " "Where dead people walk" : fifty years of archives to Q'eros, Peru" / Holly Wissler. "Audiovisual archives : bridging past and future" / Judith Gray. "Archives, repatriation, and the challenges ahead" / Anthony Seeger. "Returning voices : repatriation as shared listening experiences" / Brian Diettrich. " "Boulders, fighting on the plain" : a world war I-era song repatriated and remembered in Western Tanzania" / Frank Gunderson. " "We want our voices back" : ethical dilemmas in the repatriation of recordings" / Grace Koch. "Sharing John Blacking : recontextualizing children's music and reimagining musical instruments in the repatriation of a historical collection" / Andrea Emberly and Jennifer C. Post. "Autism doesn't speak, people do : musical thinking, chat messaging, and autistic repatriation" / Michael B. Bakan. "Musical repatriation as method" / Michael Iyanaga. "Teachers as agents of the repatriation of music and cultural heritage" / Patricia Shehan Campbell and J. Christopher Roberts. " "Each in our own village" : creating sustainable interactions between custodian communities and archives" / Catherine Ingram. "Radio Afghanistan archive project : averting repatriation, building capacity" / Hiromi Lorraine Sakata, Laurel Sercombe, and John Vallier. "Bringing Radio Haiti home : the digital archive as Devoir de mémoire" / Craig Breaden and Laura Wagner. "Bali 1928 music recordings and 1930s films : strategies for cultural repatriation" / Edward Herbst. "Cinematic journeys to the source : musical repatriation to Africa in film" / Lisa Osunleti Beckley-Roberts. " "Pour préserver la mémoire" : Algerian Sha'bi musicians as repatriated subjects and agents of repatriation" / Christopher Orr. "Repatriating an Egyptian modernity : transcriptions and the rise of Coptic women's song activism" / Carolyn M. Ramzy. "Memory, trauma, and the politics of repatriating Bikindi's music in the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide" / Jason McCoy. "New folk music as attempted repatriation in Romania" / Maurice Mengel. "The politics of repatriating Civil War brass music" / Elizabeth Whittenburg Ozment. "Radio archives and the art of persuasion" / Carlos Odria. "The banning of Samoa's repatriating Mau songs" / Richard Moyle. "Bells in the cultural soundscape : Nazi-era plunder, repatriation, and campanology" / Carla Shapreau. "Digital repatriation : copyright policies, fair use, and ethics" / Alex Perullo. "Mountain highs, valley lows : institutional archiving of gospel music in the twenty-first century" / Birgitta J. Johnson. " "The songs are alive" : bringing Frances Densmore's recordings back home to Ojibwe country" / Lyz Jaakola and Timothy B. Powell. "Moving songs : repatriating audiovisual recordings of Aboriginal Australian dance and song (Kimberley Region, Northwestern Australia)" / Sally Treloyn, Matthew Dembal Martin, and Rona Goonginda Charles. "After the archive : an archaeology of Bosnian voices" / Peter McMurray. "Reclaiming ownership of the indigenous voice : the Hopi music repatriation project" / Trevor Reed. "Yolngu music, indigenous "knowledge centers", and the emergence of archives as contact zones" / Peter G. Toner. "Traditional re-appropriation : modes of access and digitization in Irish traditional music" / Bret Woods. "Claiming Ka Mate : Maori cultural property and the nation's stake" / Lauren E. Sweetman and Kirsten Zemke. "Repatriation and decolonization : thoughts on ownership, access and control" / Robin R. R. Gray.

Contient :
Bells in the cultural soundscape : Nazi-era plunder, repatriation, and campanology - Carla Shapreau

Index. Bibliographies

Auteur(s) : Gunderson, Frank. Éditeur scientifique | Lancefield, Robert C.. Éditeur scientifique | Woods, Bret (1978-....). Éditeur scientifique | Reed, Daniel B.. Auteur | Thram, Diane. Auteur | Diamond, Beverley. Auteur | Tulk, Janice Esther (1979-....). Auteur | Averill, Gage. Auteur | Wissler, Holly. Auteur | Gray, Judith (1947-....). Auteur | Seeger, Anthony. Auteur | Diettrich, Brian. Auteur | Gunderson, Frank. Auteur | Koch, Grace. Auteur | Emberly, Andrea. Auteur | Post, Jennifer C.. Auteur | Bakan, Michael B.. Auteur | Iyanaga, Michael. Auteur | Campbell, Patricia Shehan. Auteur | Roberts, J. Christopher. Auteur | Ingram, Catherine (19..-....). Auteur | Sakata, Hiromi Lorraine. Auteur | Sercombe, Laurel. Auteur | Vallier, John. Auteur | Breaden, Craig. Auteur | Wagner, Laura. Auteur | Herbst, Edward. Auteur | Beckley-Roberts, Lisa Osunleti. Auteur | Orr, Christopher. Auteur | Ramzy, Carolyn M.. Auteur | McCoy, Jason. Auteur | Mengel, Maurice. Auteur | Whittenburg Ozment, Elizabeth. Auteur | Odria, Carlos. Auteur | Moyle, Richard M.. Auteur | Shapreau, Carla. Auteur | Perullo, Alex. Auteur | Johnson, Birgitta J.. Auteur | Jaakola, Lyz (19..-....). Auteur | Powell, Timothy B. (1959-....). Auteur | Treloyn, Sally. Auteur | Martin, Matthew Dembal. Auteur | Charles, Rona Goonginda. Auteur | McMurray, Peter. Auteur | Reed, Trevor. Auteur | Toner, P.G.. Auteur | Sweetman, Lauren E.. Auteur | Zemke, Kirsten. Auteur | Gray, Robin R. R.. Auteur

Etude sur : Alan Lomax | Hugh Tracey | Frances Densmore

Genre(s) : Musiques traditionnelles

Lieu(x) : Irlande | Rwanda | Australie | Bosnie | Kenya | Algérie | Bali | Indonésie | Afghanistan | Allemagne | Haïti | Antilles | Pérou | Tanzanie | Egypte | Roumanie | Iles Samoa | Afrique | Amérique du Nord | Amérique du Sud | Asie centrale | Asie | Europe | Océanie

Instruments : Cloche

Mots-clé : Ethnomusicologie | Provenance | Archives sonores | Archives | Patrimoine culturel immatériel | Colonisation | Film | Document numérique | Gospel | Copte | Ojibwe | Hopi | Maori | Aborigène | Chaabi | Restitution

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