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Woodwinds in early America / Douglas Koeppe
- Douglas Koeppe
Edité par : Brother Francis Publishers. Wimberley, Texas
ISBN : 978-0-692-35447-6
1 vol. (738 p.) ; illustrations, photographies ; 29 cm
In this work on woodwind musical instruments in antebellum America, the instruments themselves are naturally a primary focus, with the scope limited to Western European types. This excludes ethnic instruments of the various cultures in this hemisphere, but includes woodwinds brought by colonists immigrating to the New World. Of primary interest is the topic of instruments manufactured in Colonial America and in the United States of America. Woodwinds imported from England formed the majority of early wind instruments in the colonies which became the United States of America
Contient : "Brief political & social histories of select colonies". "Woodwinds in early records". "Early performances involving woodwinds". "Musical societies & the musical ensembles which they encouraged". "Early woodwind makers and dealers". "Miscellaneous makers and dealers : John C. Haynes, Pfaff Brothers, William KIng, John Holland". "Early woodwind-making in America". "Anonymous woodwinds". "Important orchestras which developed in the United States and others which visited and toured here". "Tutors, preceptors and collections of airs and melodies". "Woodwinds in brass ensembles". "Major fairs and exhibits". "Performance pitch".
Bibliographie pp. 703-709. Index
Etude sur : John C. Haynes | William King | John Holland | Gottlieb Wolhaupter | Ahasuerus Turk | David Wohaupter | Jacob Sr Anthony | Jacob Jr Anthony | Robert Horne | Joshua Collins | Isaac Sr Greenwood | Isaac Jr Greenwood | Pfaff Brothers
Période(s) : 17 ème siècle | 18 ème siècle | 19 ème siècle
Lieu(x) : Etats-Unis | Amérique du Nord | Jamestown | New York | Boston | Philadelphie | La Nouvelle Orléans
Instruments : Bois (instrument) | Instrument à vent
Mots-clé : Organologie | Facture instrumentale | Facteur | Williamsburg | Vie musicale | Société musicale