
The Cambridge companion to the cello / Edited by Robin Stowell

  • Edited by Robin Stowell

Edité par : Cambridge University Press. Cambridge
ISBN : 0-521-62928-4
1 vol. (269 p.) ; illustrations, photographiques, graphiques, exemples musicaux ; 25 cm


This is a compact, composite and authoritative survey of the history and development of the cello and its repertory since the origins of the instrument. The volume comprises thirteen essays, written by a team of nine distinguished scholars and performers, and is intended to develop the cello's historical perspective in breadth and from every relevant angle, offering as comprehensive a coverage as possible. It focuses in particular on four principal areas: the instrument's structure, development and fundamental acoustical principles ; the careers of the most distinguished cellists since the baroque era ; the cello repertory (including chapters devoted to the concerto, the sonata, other solo repertory, and ensemble music) ; and its technique, teaching methods and relevant aspects of historical and performance practice

Contient en outre : "Masters of the baroque and classical eras" / Margaret Campbell. "Nineteenth-century virtuosi" / Margaret Campbell. "Masters of the twentieth century" / Margaret Campbell. "The concerto" / Robin Stowell and David Wyn Jones. "The sonata" Robin Stowell. "Other solo repertory" / Robin Stowell. "Ensemble music : in the chamber and the orchestra" . Peter Allsop. "Technique, style and performing practiceto c. 1900" / Valerie Walden. "The development of cello teaching in the twentieth century" / R. Caroline Bosanquet. "The frontiers of technique" / Frances-Marie Uitti.

Contient :
The cello : origins and evolution - John Dilworth
The bow : its history and development - John Dilworth
Cello acoustics - Bernard Richardson

Glossaire. Bibliographie pp. 246-252. Index

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